Thursday, April 10, 2008


Wow I'm up to Week 6. I looked around Youtube and set up an account and looked at the video embedded in the lesson, without sound because I am working on a library public access computer without sound enabled. Have got the picture so to speak but will go back and try sound on another pc later. I searched Youtube for Mosman Library and drew a blank but found The Chaser's war on everything - Mosman Mosque which I remembered seeing on TV. I will try Mosman library website later.

I am excited about the possibilities of using video in the library for example videoing elderly people for oral histories for local studies and giving people access via our new catalogue. As a children's librarian, the uses of videoing kids doing book reviews for Children's Book Week are not lost on me - great stuff. The possibilities are endless.

However as far the adventure of embedding any video from Youtube is concerned I am a little at sea about copyright - there is so much to read and so little time. I will have to go back and read more in depth things I have just skimmed so far.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

It's encouraging to see you are keeping up with the program